Thursday, May 5, 2016

Where black is white, good is bad and institution-founders are heroes

I haven't written about the VNS because the nurse/rep from the distributor company re-scheduled our meeting for next week. The delay was welcome since I'm in no way psyched for C. having any surgery in the near future. I'm much more inclined to first try a higher dose of cannabis.

We should soon have a new license increasing our monthly supply - provided our neurologist submitted the request to the government's health ministry as she promised she would. It would take a serious seizure setback - like the one we had two weeks ago - for me to consent to this surgery.

I've been somewhat unsettled these days by the choice of this year's recipient of our country's highest award. The  government selected a man who has single-handedly done more to entrench the institutionalization of children with disabilities than anybody else here. (No, that was no typo.)

This man will receive our highest honor for founding our largest and most isolated institution for children and young adults. He is very proud of what he does and incessantly promotes and fund-raises for that institution and its wider network of institutions. He claims his own child - who never spoke a word - "told" him to do it.

That son, whom he plonked in this "dream" institution at the age of 13, passed away shortly afterwards. But this man's activities are being hailed by my compatriots as "furthering the inclusion of people with disabilities".

Yes, institutionalization is actually equated - in these here parts - with inclusion.

Ever since the award's announcement, every media source has been pursuing and idolizing this now-iconic figure.

On the other hand, a critical op-ed I wrote about this man and his award has been rejected by every local news site.

Help -  I inhabit a bizarro universe.


MichiganMom said...

Inclusion through segregation? That is definitely bizarro. You really couldn't make this stuff up! Please consider sharing your op-ed with us.

The Sound of the Silent said...

Thanks, MichiganMom. I'd love to share it but that would blow my cover. I need this place to vent freely without concern about fallout from my angered targets.