At the urging of our GP, who is filling in for C.'s pediatrician (the latter, at the age of 70, decided to climb a few Californian mountains), I consulted a dietitian about the C.'s plummeted albumin and slightly low hemoglobin levels. I did so very reluctantly since I've never had a high regard for dietitians, presuming their knowledge to be scanty and freely available from Dr. Google.

She added that C. may have tolerated the MAD - Modified Atkins Diet - but was now apparently suffering these side effects from it. (She's been on it for about 10 years.) I left the clinic - 5 minutes from home - with instructions on how to introduce carbs gradually and a referral for repeat blood tests next month. (Could it get any simpler?)

And yesterday we brought C. to our HMO's Wounds Clinic where the experts re-examined C.'s whoppers, declaring them all either "healing nicely" or "not-too-bad". Her course of antibiotics was halted and the iodine and gauze treatment continued along with twice weekly visits from our our dear home visiting nurse.
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